Best Interviews I Have Ever Watched
Stephen King and George R.R martin interview
This was a very unique and awesome conversation about life, the literature, and self-mutilation. The two have experienced extreme infinity violence but their sense of humor covers them all.

Cardi B interviews Bernie sanders
Cardi B had an idea of solving Americans problems in this interview. In this video, cardi B is very honest frank and conversion is about her scheme with the candidates of presidential seats.
Trixie Mattel interview Brittany broski
Brittany broski is well known viral kombucha girl in this video. She made a solid trial of painting her face to look similar to RuPaul’s drag race all-stars but she didn’t quite nail it on her own.
Mike Tyson on WWOR-TV/UPN 9 news
This show is dated 1999 and nobody expected mike Tyson to be such Proust in this interview, not at all. besides, no one in the entire in the new York sportscaster expected 64 seconds of threats, expletives, and terrifying awesome demand to actually turn off your station. It was such an amazing experience.
Richard Simmons on the late show with David letterman in 2006
It’s very unusual that at the beginning of the show to say that “I am getting dizzy” Richard Simons in the late show said. The history of a man interviewed by David letterman is narrated only once and the list was huge hence not enough time picking late night only once.
Whitney Houston on prime time back 2002
In the year 2002, the Barbara Walters opened an interview with a troubled bodyguard chanteuse for ABC’S prime time. Houston sounded like she had sucked from an exhaust pipe.
James Brown on Sonya live in L.A
The introduction of James brown is mentioned to be the hardworking man in the business show. Seemingly, he is working hard at melting synapses with monumental amounts of cocaine. He was questioned about assaulting his wife but he jumps off the topic saying nothing was wrong hence topic was to about the music. It was searching dramatic, in an interview, he says that he was singing ready to mingle and he moved on to the coming second of the Christ.
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