My Typical Day
I started this @medium blog because I have a wish to share my story. It’s not unusual or even particularly inspiring. But sharing some snippets would be great. Today I would like to share one of my personal favorite things to do…
Do you know any girl who doesn’t like shopping! Now that I have extra money and extra energy to enjoy it, many weekends find me in vintage clothing stores. It’s amazing what you can find tucked away in these places. I usually find something to wear and something to give away.
I shop for designer clothes as well. There are lots of great places to go online. It’s almost like taking a shopping trip out of town, except you can stay in your pajamas.
Cooking is amazing as well. I’m not quite a foodie yet, but that moment is not far away. It’s so much fun to try new recipes, especially those from other countries. Sometimes the experiment works out well and everyone loves the strange-looking dish on their dinner plates. Sometimes it’s a disaster, so we have to order Uber Eats. Either way, it’s great fun.
Other Things I Love
• A cozy, laid back afternoon over smoothies or some hot drinks with friends, neighbors.
• A morning of coloring, playing or simply spending time and do whatever we could to make the most out of the moment together
•A vacation with my family anywhere on earth
•Food, trendy clothes, lifestyle and travel websites
• Baking brownies for small picnics.
• Hiking
• Sharing inspiration on social media
Isn’t social media great? I love sharing my thoughts and the things that happen during my day. Even if they seem mundane to me, they almost always touch someone else. Social media is a good way to connect with people yet still maintain a distance. I use social media for my studio as well. Almost everyone is on Facebook and Twitter, so these vehicles are nice ways to bring in new people.
Even if no one ever reads it, I’d still contribute to my blog. Writing is very cathartic.
But lots of people do read the blog, and that makes it even more exciting. It’s incredible when someone reads what I write and is inspired by it. It’s my sincere hope that you find just a little inspiration in these words. If that’s the case, spread the word!
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